The 7thInternational Aluminum Fabrication Technology Seminar & Exposition
Huatai HotelGuangzhou, Guangdong, CHINA September 18-21, 2019
Lw is a major industry event in China for manufacturers, universities, research institutions and suppliers of equipment and materials related to the aluminum processing industry. It is organized once every three years to facilitate technical exchanges and collaboration between the industry and academia. It provides the participants with an excellent opportunity to meet with domestic and international aluminum processing experts and learn about the status quo and future trends of aluminum processing in China.
L stands for Aluminum and w for World and their combination (Lw) implies the integration of China’ aluminum industry into the global aluminum community.
Lw-Seminar was, prepared in 2000 and the first edition was held in 2001. Between 2001 and 2016, 6 events successfully took place and a total of 1,281 conference papers were collected from China and around the world. The seminar series has been well recognized as a gathering of people in China and the rest of the world with shared interest in different aspects of aluminum processing.
Welcome to Guangzhou in September 2019 |
Lw 2019 -The 7thInternational Aluminum
Fabrication Technology Seminar & Exposition
Guangzhou, Guangdong CHINA September 18-21, 2019
-To speed up the progress and development of the aluminum industry;
-To enhance the exchange and cooperation between China and the rest of the world in technology, equipment, products and services;
-To explore and open up China’s market.
The Lw2019 International Aluminum Fabrication Technology Seminar & Exposition is the seventh event in its series to be held in Guangzhou, CHINA, on September 18-21, 2019.
In recent years, China’s aluminum Fabrication industry has grown at an astonishing pace. It has become the world’s largest aluminum producing and consuming country. As such, China has a huge market with great demands for new technologies and advanced equipment. It is an opportunity to be familiarized with China's aluminum processing industry.
Lw2001, Lw2004, Lw2007, Lw2010, Lw2013 and Lw2016 International Aluminum Fabrication Technology Seminars and expositions received a total of 1,281 papers. Producers and manufacturers from China and foreign countries participated in the past six events.
Lw2019 now is open for submissions of papers.
Please submit your title and abstract as soon as you can.
Deadline for the submissionof full-length paper:July 10, 2019.
Submission method: E-mail to wangzitao@vip.163.com in the word file format.
The proceedings ofLw2019 - The 7th International Aluminum Fabrication Technology Seminar will be published after manuscripts are edited, proofread, and printed.
A limited number of exhibit booths are available. One booth of 3.0 x 3.0 m exhibit space costs 850 US dollars only. Don’t miss the opportunity to showcase your products and equipment at the Lw2019 International Aluminum Fabrication Technology Seminar & Exposition.
Promotion opportunities:promotional sessions and advertisements in the Proceedings are available.
Dates: September 18-21, 2019; September 18, Expo. move-in and registration open;
September. 19-21 Sessions/Expo and visit to factories; September 19 evening: -banquet Lw2019, September 20 evening: -pearl river cruise.
Venue:Huatai Hotel, No. 23, Xian Lie Nan Lu, Guangzhou, Guangdong, CHINA
Registration fee:320 US dollars per person
Hotel reservations:please contact
HUATAI Hotel: Mr. LIANG Li-ming, Mobile: +86 13535088969, E-mail: lianglm89990@sina.com
OCEAN Hotel: Ms. Emily Wang (WANG Hong), Mobile: +86 18028001929, E-mail: emily@coscohotel.com
Organized by:
Lw Aluminum Processing Technology Center
5-304, No.168, Niu Li Gang Bei Jie,Guangzhou, Guangdong 510510 CHINA
Tel:+86-20-8770 0895; Fax:+86-20-8724 2261
E-mail: wangzitao@vip.163.com Web:www.lw-aluminum.com