轻合金加工技术 LIGHT ALLOY FABRICATION TACHNOLOGY(月刊) -中国 1964年创刊 / monthly (started in 1964), China - |
第41卷 总第430期,2013年第6期 (2013年6月)目录 Vol. 41 No.6 (Serial No.430 ) June 2013 |
日本神户钢铁集团铝铜工业公司的铝加工材及深加工制品 Wrought aluminum materials and fabricated products of Aluminum & Copper Business,Kobe Steel Group Co. Ltd., Japan
2xxx系铝合金的热处理工艺研究进展 Development of heat-treatment process for 2xxx series aluminum alloy
电解铝液直接生产铸轧铝板坯料工艺研究 Research on continuous casting technology for producing aluminum strip with electrolytic aluminum melt
4343A铝合金扁锭生产工艺研究 Research on production technology of 4343A aluminum alloy slab
不同均匀化制度对5083铝合金铸锭力学性能的影响 Effect of different homogenization system on mechanical properties of 5083 aluminum alloy
再结晶对7055铝合金板材晶间腐蚀性能的影响 Effect of re-crystallization on inter-crystalline corrosion behavior of 7055 aluminum alloy
热轧工艺对AZ31B镁合金薄板组织及性能的影响 Effect of hot-rolling technology on microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ31B magnesium alloy sheet
铝材热坯梯度水冷工艺工业性试验研究 Heat-gradient quenching of aluminum material at industry condition
铝合金用新型万能熔剂的检测分析新方法探讨 New analyzing method of universal flux used for aluminum alloy
铝-锂合金搅拌摩擦焊焊缝显微分析 Microscopic analysis at friction stir welding seam of Al-Li Alloy
挤压7A04铝合金轮辋断裂失效分析 Fracture failure analysis of extruded 7A04 aluminum alloy wheel rim |
刊号:ISSN 1007 7235,CN 23-1226/TG,国内邮发代号14-112,国外发行代号4663M Publication:ISSN 1007 7235,CN 23-1226/TG 网址:www.qhjjgjs.cn,E-mail:qhjjgjs @ 163.com |
轻合金加工技术 LIGHT ALLOY FABRICATION TACHNOLOGY(月刊) -中国 1964年创刊 / monthly (started in 1964), China - |
第41卷 总第429期,2013年第5期 (2013年5月)目录 Vol. 41 No.5 (Serial No. 429) May 2013 |
乘用汽车车身铝合金薄板生产工艺 Production technology of aluminum sheet used for passenger-automobile body
几种中小型铝合金模锻件压力机模锻技术 Die forging technology of aluminum alloy die forgings on middle and small press
镁合金大塑性变形挤压技术发展新趋势 New development trend of SPD extrusion technology for magnesium alloy
铝熔炼炉煤气系统改造 Gas system reconstruction of aluminum smelting furnace
Al-0.55Ti-0.25C对AZ81镁合金组织与性能的影响 Effect of Al-5Ti-0.25C on microstructure and mechanical property of AZ81 magnesium alloy
超声波处理在纯铝铸造工艺中的作用 Appication of ultrasonic at pure aluminum casting process
影响LiMCA CM测渣系统的因素及其对铸造工艺的改进 Affect factor of LiMCA CM inclusion measuring system and their effect on casting process improvement
轧辊不同辊型曲线的推导与分析 Derivation and analysis of different crown highness on rolling roll
冷轧变形量和退火后冷却方式对1235双零铝箔毛料组织的影响 Influence of reduction and anneal-cooling style on microstructure of double-rolling foil stock
退火工艺对5154铝合金导线性能的影响 Effect of annealing process on properties of 5154 aluminum alloy wire
应用CAM软件自动编程加工锻造铝合金车轮和制造模具 CAM software programmed process being used for machining of forged
Mg元素对等离子体电解氧化陶瓷层特性的影响 Effect of magnesium element on character of ceramic coating produced by plasma electrolytic oxidation
3104铝合金罐用板材减薄技术研究 Research on thinning technology of 3104 aluminum alloy sheet used for can body |
刊号:ISSN 1007 7235,CN 23-1226/TG,国内邮发代号14-112,国外发行代号4663M Publication:ISSN 1007 7235,CN 23-1226/TG 网址:www.qhjjgjs.cn,E-mail:qhjjgjs @ 163.com |